
Dimitris Bitos
Dimitris was born in 1978 in Larisa. He has finished the Superior Dramatic School Of ‘Theater of Art, Karolos Koun’.
He is an actor, and director. Since 2007 in collaboration with actress Irini Drakou he has created the theater Group ASIPKA.
(2013) : In this phase he runs the filmmaking of his first Feature Film ΄FAN΄
(2013) : he played the main role in A. Marianos ‘ Destiny’
(2013) : ‘SILENT VOICES’ (work in progress) drama documentary material (69 testimonies of previous century) selected and written by Maroula Kliafa and presented at 6.00 o΄ clock in the morning in Theater Theseum Directed by D. Bitos
20 & 21 June 2012 ‘ANTIGONE’ by Sophocles in Small Theater of Ancient Epidaurus in Theater Greek Festival of 2012, directed by Dimitris Bitos
(2012) : ‘The wedding ring’ a comedy presented in ‘In Athens Theatre’ directed by Dimitris Bitos
(2011-2012) : ‘SILENT VOICES’ (work in progress) drama documentary material (69 testimonies of previous century) selected and written by Maroula Kliafa and presented at 6.00 o΄ clock in the morning in an old tannery building of previous century. directed by D. Bitos
(2012) : he played the main role in A. Marianos ‘ Film ‘Devil΄s Sock’
(2011) : he played at Film ‘’Lost Girl’’ directed by N. Pastras
(2011) : Nissyros Project : lab rehearsals in Nissyros island, and Work in progress named ‘GKOLFO’ that was presented in an open square (former slaughter place) on the book ‘The Dead and the Resurrection’ of G. Pentzikis, the poems ‘Sacred Path’ & ‘Unwritten’ of A. Sikelianos and Bucolic Drama ‘Gkolfo’ of Anonymous writter
(2011) : ‘KONTRA’ (short film) participating in competition department of Drama Mini Festival 2011 (script, direction & production by D. Bitos)
(2011) : 'EXODOS' directed by D. Bitos in collaboration with Y. Martkopoulou, Lilly Melleme, Aris Troupakis in ‘Sinergio Theater in Athens
(2011) : played as an actor in 'Danton's Death directed By S. Livathinos in Onaseio Intsitution in Athens
(2011) : 'STOES' Work in Progress (related with the 33 trapped miners in Chile) partipated in Programme ‘RUNWAY TAKE OFF’ of National Theater of Greece, directed by Dimitris Bitos & ASIPKA
(2011) : 'AGGELA' written by G. Sevastikoglou, played in SFENDONI THEATER in Athens and directed by D. Bitos
(2010) : ‘Little Mountain’ (short film) participated in competition department of Drama Mini Festival 2010 (script, direction & production by D. Bitos)
(2010) : ‘Contra el Progresso’ by Esteva Soler directed by D. Bitos in collaboration with Y. Martkopoulou, Lilly Melleme, Aris Troupakis in ‘Sinergio Theater ‘
(2010) : ‘ELENI’ a poem written by Giannis Ritsos, performed and directed by D. Bitos in SCENE Booze Cooperativa *(theatrical alternative multi-place) and in ‘Sinergio Theater’
(2009) : Ι΄m Blood΄ written by Jan Fabre, played in Theatre ΄Chora΄ in Athens (directed by D. Bitos)
(2009) : ΄Ballos Evil dance΄ (short film) participated in competition department of Drama Mini Festival 2009 (script, directed & produced by D. Bitos)
(2008) : ‘Triptyque of Heiner Muller : Ruined Shore – Medea Material – Landscape with Argonauts΄ in BIOS *(theatrical alternative multi-place) in Athens (this play was presented in toilets of BIOS) – directed by D. Bitos
(2008) : in the Summer ΄Triptyque΄ of Heiner Muller was presented in a church yard in Astypalaia (a Greek island) as work in progress.
There rehearsals on the same work took place and also another performance on the poem ΄Empty People΄ of Eliot
(2007-2008) : he played the main role in Helen Alexandrakis ‘ Film ‘Weightlifter and Angel’ that will be presented on November at Thessaloniki Film Festival and Berlin Film Festival.
(2007-2008) : He directed ‘Bats’ by Lena Kitsopoulou. The play was presented in three different forms :
First, on August, was presented in Nissyros ( greek island - volcano) in a big 20 meter church table where the actors and spectators where sitted together.
Then on October, was presented in a multi-place in Athens (Bios) with the same form.
Finally, in a film projector room without table but with the same narrative form of speech (Bios).
Dimitris Bitos before ASIPKA :
Since 2003 till 2006 he organized, played and directed in :
(2006) : Performance on Greek Love Poetry in places that aimed to love atmosphere (Santorini island & other)
(2005): Performance on the road, in remoted islands of Greece on Heiner Muller texts
(2004) : He directed theatrical performance on ’Ashes to Ashes’ Harold Pinter, in Politeia Theater
(2004) : ‘Women of Earth (terra)’ he has direct at the ‘Empty Room - Expiremental Scene of National Theater ‘ an album of Women’s photos that devoted their life on earth, (terra), ‘trapped in their environments’. All the texts and the form of the performance was made through interviews with women from continental Greece that they never leaved their homes. The same project took place in a second version in Thessalikon Theater in Larissa.
(2003) : two days performance in Spinalonga (a remoted island of Greece that in former times people with contagious diseases (as leprosy) were banished) on "A season in Hell" of Arthur Rimbaud
(2003) : He played and directed ‘Dirtiness’ by Robert Snaider in an abandoned military camp in Thessaloniki.
(2003) : He directed and played ‘Tango Bar’ by Periklis Korovesis, bar theater in ‘Vasilis Bar’ in Athens and in an abandoned military camp in Thessaloniki.

Irini Drakou
Irini Drakou was born in Andros island in 1974. She graduated from Sports & Physical Education Department of Athens & Master Degree in Exercise & Health.
She has attented Voice seminars with K. Sfirikidis, M. Yementzaki and therapeutic song with E. Nikolitsa. Seminars on Dance (Barra a terre – Seresta Dance Studio), Dance improvisation with M. Sideri & Modern Dance & Acrobatics with S. Zannou. Seminars on Acting with S. Livathino, A. Karazisi, G. Simeonidi, K. Arvanitaki & A. Danezi.
She paricipated in 8th Summer Academy of National Theater seminars with R. Pateraki, A. Bozic, & A. Voulgaris. She also participated as a dancer in Opening Ceremony of 2004 Parolympic games directed by A. Papadamaki.
Since 2007 in collaboration with Actor & Director Dimitris Bitos, she has created a Theater Group named ‘ASIPKA’ (means ‘mistake΄ in Russian).
With ASIPKA she took part in following performances :
2013 : ‘SILENT VOICES’ (work in progress) drama documentary material (69 testimonies of previous century) selected and written by Maroula Kliafa and presented at 6.00 o΄ clock in the morning in Theater Theseum directed by D. Bitos
20 & 21 June 2012 played the main role in ‘ANTIGONE’ by Sophocles in Little Theater of Ancient Epidaurus in Theater Greek Festival of 2012, directed by Dimitris Bitos
(2011-2012) : ‘SILENT VOICES’ drama documentary material (69 testimonies of previous century) selected and written by Maroula Kliafa and presented at 6.00 o΄ clock in the morning in an old tannery building of previous century. Directed by D. Bitos
(2011) : Nissyros Project : lab rehearsals in Nissyros island, and Work in progress named ‘GKOLFO’ that was presented in an open square (former slaughter place) on the book ‘The Dead and the Resurrection’ of G. Pentzikis, the poems ‘Sacred Way’ & ‘Unwritten’ of A. Sikelianos and Bucolic Drama ‘Gkolfo’ of Anonymous writter
(2011) : 'EXODOS' directed by D. Bitos in collaboration with Y. Martkopoulou, Lilly Melleme, Aris Troupakis in ‘Sinergio Theater in Athens
(2011) : 'STOES' Work in Progress (related with the 33 trapped miners in Chile) partipated in Programme ‘RUNWAY TAKE OFF’ of National Theater of Greece, directed by Dimitris Bitos & ASIPKA
(2011) : 'AGGELA' written by G. Sevastikoglou, played in SFENDONI THEATER in Athens and directed by D. Bitos
(2010) : ‘Contra el Progresso’ by Esteva Soler directed by D. Bitos in collaboration with Y. Martkopoulou, Lilly Melleme, Aris Troupakis in ‘Sinergio Theater‘
(2010) : ‘ELENI’ a poem written by Giannis Ritsos, performed and directed by D. Bitos in SCENE Booze Cooperativa *(theatrical alternative multi-place) and in ‘Sinergio Theater’ (as a director assistant)
(2009) : Ι΄m Blood΄ written by Jan Fabre, played in Theatre ΄Chora΄ in Athens (directed by D. Bitos)
(2008) : ‘Triptyque of Heiner Muller : Ruined Shore – Medea Material – Landscape with Argonauts΄ in BIOS *(theatrical alternative multi-place) in Athens (this play was presented in toilets of BIOS) – directed by D. Bitos
(2008) : in the Summer ΄Triptyque΄ of Heiner Muller was presented in a church yard in Astypalaia (a Greek island) as work in progress.
There rehearsals on the same work took place and also another performance on the poem ΄Empty People΄ of Eliot
(2007-2008) : ‘Bats’ by Lena Kitsopoulou. The play was presented in three different forms :
First, on August, was presented in Nissyros ( greek island - volcano) in a big 20 meter church table where the actors and spectators where sitted together.
Then on October, was presented in a multi-place in Athens (Bios) with the same form.
Finally, in an abandoned film projector room without table but with the same narrative form of speech (Bios).
In Cinema :
(2013) : Anemistiras (FAN) directed by D. Bitos
(2012) : ‘The Ship’ directed by N. Koundouros
(2010) : ‘Meteora’ directed by S. Stathoulopoulos
(2010) : ‘Veni’ (short film) directed by B. Alimani
(2009) : ‘Be a Usefull Man when you Grow Up’ (short film) directed by K. Papadimatos
(2009) : ΄Ballos Evil dance΄ (short film) participated in competition department of Drama Mini Festival 2009 (script, directed & produced by D. Bitos)
(2008) : ‘Weightlifter and Angel’direcred by Helen Alexandrakis
(2008) : ‘Nissiros’ Castles (docimanter) directed by H. Alexantrakis
(2004) : ‘Eyes of a Blue Dog’ (short film) directed by A. Danezi- Knutsen
(2004) : ‘The Meeting’ (short film) directed by E. Bountri
for a theatre of senses, doubt & invention