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17, 18,19 of October 2013, at IEATM ATHENS



We want to see ourselves translated into stone and plants, we want to do walks into ourselves when we wander into these buildings and in these gardens. (We Stateless - F. Nietzsche)



We add to our concerns a new topic with that of language as experience through poetry, this of city as experience through poetic attitude. Of a lost internal culture and a lost foreign landscape.

We cross a city that we do not invent, not dreaming, not explore the bottom of, not staring from above, does not allow her to surprise us ..


And now we leave ..

                                   .. while the city is deserted ..

We wonder ..


Can we return now as mystics without god, as wanderers and travelers in this lost city?


Has the new city a mythology?


  "Who would want to die without having done even once the tour of his prison? '. (Marguerite Yourcenar)




Excerpts from:
'Waste Land' of T.S Eliot,
'The round of prison' of M. Yourcenar
'We Stateless' of F. Nietzsche
'Invisible Cities' of Italo Calvino
'Diaries Walk' Irini Drakou



for a theatre of senses, doubt & invention

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