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SILENT VOICES 2012 - 2013 :


 ‘SILENT VOICES’ is a drama documentary material (69 testimonies of previous century) selected and written by Maroula Kliafa and presented, the first time (2012), at 6.00  o΄ clock in the morning in an old tannery building of previous century, and the second time (2013), in Theseum Theatre at 6.00 o΄ clock in the morning again.. 



The text of performance is a collection of 69 interviews by ordinary Greek people, through which Maroula Kialfa illustrates the political and social quest of Greece during the 20th century, meaning the course of Greece through the two World Wars, the Civil War that followed the 2nd World War, the junta of the years 1967-1974 the period of cold war, and the transition to the European Union.


The time that performance was presented is not accidential and no because of mentall thought. The prosedure of our work and the choise of this specific material led us take this decision. Our work is based on anticomfortism and difficulty, back to senses and to silence. We often work close to nature, very early in the morning, out of daily routine structure. This is a special gift for us, that we want also to offer. Its a secret expectation to surprise ourselves and spectators that will answer to such an invitation.


We consider it as an performance without end. Our intention is to travel with this performance in Greece and also on abroad corporating and other testimonies and documental material and other performers from the place we visit.


























Text : Maroula Kliafa

Direction :  Dimitris Bitos

Set & Costume Design : Aristotelis karananos, Alexandra Siafkou

Music : Lampros Pigounis

LightDesign: Nisos Vasilopoulos

Actors : Drakou Irini, Zarafidou Eleni, Ioakeim Panagos, Kalantzopoulou Margarita, Kiriazi Rinio, Litou Rita, Tsiller Antonis



Future proposal :


These stories, that come from the past, are being in a way implanted into the present, since the performers (at the past in the rehearseals) and in future intetntions is - to go around the town, meeting people and telling them these stories – will look like today’s characters, like Greek tourists-visitors in the city we perform. In this way and through the responses of the audience, we can the ability of these texts to form the future, in the sense that today’s actions – the dialogue we develop, the meetings we have with people and the relation we create in these meetings – are the foundations on which we are building the future performance - reality. 


Our proposal for the future concerns a people specific performance, as described above, in which we are going to work in characters from the Greek author Maroula Kialfa’s book “Silent Voices”. In our intentions also is, to include in this performance and other stories connected with this period and related with the place we visit.


In our future plans is also a performance on documental material on period of political changeover in Greece. Aiming to catch the story 'from end to the beggining'



site with the interview at the reporter Mania Zousi in Sky radio for 'SILENT VOICES' //



Video of the performance will be posted soon !

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for a theatre of senses, doubt & invention

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